Tech Talk

Ciright CEO Inspires Mentorship through Technology

Joseph Callahan founder of Ciright One™ card urges
future Wake Forest entrepreneurs this week to utilize a virtually untapped
resource –  their Alumni.

Participants of the session, held at the Center for
Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship ( will walk away with real
world, pragmatic advice that they can immediately implement to ignite their
entrepreneurial spirits.

In addition, Wake Forest students will be
introduced to a new web-based networking tool, slated to launch in spring of
2016.  “Ciright has created a private
in-app communication platform designed to connect Wake Forest students with
Alumni in an effort to promote mentorship.” says Callahan.  “Members of the platform will be able to
post, share and private message each other and Alumni, creating lifetime

Mentoring is a win-win for all parties
involved.  Mentoring s
strengthens the mentor’s interpersonal relationship
skills while the relationship often helps the mentoree learn to take better
control of his or her career.

A recognized leader with a keen ability to identify
new business opportunities, Callahan has launched several brands.  The most recent is One™, a smart card that
allows consumers to consolidate all credit, debit, loyalty and gift cards into
one dynamic electronic card that communicates with a mobile wallet.  One
is now available for pre-order at


Ciright Releases Executive Dashboard

Ciright announces availability of Executive Dashboard, which provides all the information for an executive to make an informed business decision. The information once again connects to legacy systems to retrieve the days deposits, accounts receivable, accounts...