Tech Talk

Recomendation From Tom Lennon

Tom Lennon
Regional Sales manager at AAON, Inc

have had the privilege of working with Joe in several positions. Many
years ago right out of college I would have described him as an
enthusiastic and extremely fast learner.

I have watched him build two businesses from nothing into leaders in
their respective fields. His energy is almost limitless and his sense of
what is important, and what is not, allows him to focus it precisely.

Now that he knows far more than I do about many subjects – the student
has become the teacher so it is I that need to do the learning most

One thing perhaps not known to those that know Joe only casually is that
under that workaholic exterior is a great heart. Sorry Joe, probably
shouldn’t have let the secret out

April 4, 2014,

Tom worked directly with Joseph Callahan


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